CDR#2 re-release

- Lackluster: Starcell U.K.
- Lackluster: Ulcer Stalk
- OTK, Lackluster: Eklan (Lackluster Mix)
- Lackluster: 0Today8
- Lackluster: 0Tilde5
- Lackluster: Pie
- Lackluster: Me Me Me Me Me Me
- Lackluster: Teramut
- Lackluster: Bothersome (Mother Mix)
- Lackluster: Cull Streak
- Lackluster: 20333
- Lackluster: Untitled Bonus Track
Lackluster has been featured on Kahvi from waay back - 1999 being the first time he was feaured. Since then, he's been critically acclaimed on many 'real world' labels including DeFocus and Merck and most recently Kahvi: Commercial (for digital distribution). CDR#2 is the highly sought after release that was even being sold on ebay for a short time, hard to find in hard format and just for you here it is being made available in download format. Loads of favorites on this release for me, perhaps me me me me me me clenches the title of fave track for this release with bothersome (mothermix) a close second. If you'd like to support Lackluster directly, you might like to check out these releases on iTunes: What you want isn't what you need, Container, Showcase, Spaces and Wrapping and Slice at Beatport. Enjoy this rare and historical release from Lackluster.