
- Lackluster: Third Pie
- Lackluster: 02/12/02
- Lackluster: Ix Pen
- Lackluster: 04/04/02
- Lackluster: Laziness
- Lackluster: Afterpitrak
- Lackluster: 06/12/01b
- Lackluster: Haste
- Lackluster: Hippihoppi
- Lackluster: Beloved
- Lackluster: 57bpm52swingds10trak
- Lackluster: Guitares
- Lackluster: Onuj
- Lackluster: 19/08/02
- Lackluster: 030503
- Lackluster: Goodbye Frenchplace
- Lackluster: Shimmering Edges
- Lackluster: Beechmount
- Lackluster: LL180905
- Lackluster: Gtr.Melo.Tamb
Bit of a large release this, at 20 tracks. It's a collection of tracks made between 1998 and 2008 - for compilations. You'll find pretty much anything here from drones to little tests at drummachine programming, guitar+elec.bass processing, handclaps and piano, buzz tracker-isms and impulse-tracker-isms.. Nintendo DS / Korg DS-10 track, all kinds of gear from Roland Alphajuno-1 to Korg PolySix, Korg ER-1, Roland Juno-60, Casio CZ-1000, Korg 03R/W and so on (not much more tho).. those aforementioned trackers, Propellerheads Reason, Ableton Live, Emagic Logic Audio Platinum 5.5.1 and some Audiomulch feature as processes..
This one is just about to be added to Juno Download, and it has been an exclusive release on Equal Dreams for about 8 months.. 20 tracks, 2 hours of music..