Touched Two

- (ghost): Truro
- 2020k, Wet Eyes: Sea Bound
- 2ndMOUSE: Morgana (Touched Mix)
- 36: Song for Florence
- 808 State: Psalm
- A1 People: 54
- Min-Y-Llan, Abereiddy Astronomical Society: The Outsider (Min-Y-Llan Remix)
- Adam Johnson: Sunden
- Ade Hodges: Serpentine Blues
- Alexander Aultman: Today, One Year Ago
- Alt/land, Plaid: alt/land: Train (Plaid Remix)
- Alpturer: Kazo
- Anders Ilar: Press Charges
- Anodyne: Off-World Blues
- Antonymes: 310814
- Arctic Rabbuck: Ziohl Whey
- Ard Bit: Watchin
- Arovane: Woven
- Asonat: Spaced
- Autechre: spl47
- Autumn of Communion: End (Sunrise for Claudio) + Interval2
- B12: Orbita Tolv
- Bad Loop: Parallel Lives
- Bath40: Bubbles
- Bauri: Purple Nights
- Beatbigot: Playblurredforme
- Bengalfuel: Lam
- Bibio: Crushed Crushed Velvet
- BLN: Tribe
- Bocuma: Black Sea of Trees
- BrapAllgood: Aztechre (IntoUncertainty)
- Brothomstates: Save Yourself
- Bunal Carus: Univoltin
- Buspin Jieber: Electicity
- C\/\/\/\: St.Thomas Green
- Cali May: Quandary Wand
- Carbinax: Declaration Of War
- Carbo-flex: Kulabov
- Ceephax Acid Crew: Ginelli
- Chevron: Backs Against the Wall
- Chikiss, Artem Sensiva: Chikiss ft. Artem Sensiva: Through the Frost
- Christ.: Unfolded Protein Response
- CiM: Drawn
- Clem Leek: Set Back - Push On
- Coltish Limbs: HighRise HighLife
- Cousin Silas: Distant Yellow
- Cristian Vogel: Your Dreams and What They Mean
- Cyan341: DBS
- Cyance: Lodic Mteal
- D'Arcangelo: Olaz
- Dan Stubbs: Dan Stubbs: Lost Beyond the Power of Words
- Datassette: Gravel
- Dave Monolith: Dxtr
- David Morley: 10B
- Dean De Benedictis: Surface Vespers and Cesnass
- Derren Heath: Pretend
- Devicer: Spring (reTouched Version)
- Dez Williams: Pointzerofour
- Diamat: Aleksandr Orlvo
- Dirk Markham: They Dont Intend to Hurt You
- Dirty Owl: Dirty Owl: You're So Worth It
- DMX Krew: Loch Ness Monster
- Dn Fnckn: Ghetto One Four
- Dryft: Somewhere Lost in Time
- Dub Tractor: Stay Under This Line
- Dunaewsky69: Time Bomb
- Echaskech, XSPANCE: Echaskech vs XSPANCE: Sovereign System
- Eigenheimer: Overdenk
- Ektoise: Distant Past
- Emptywhale: Smashed Light
- Emm Sevindik: Puraka
- Encym: Impromptu [90"]
- Enkidu: Into The Deep
- Engine7: Your Name on a Grain of Sand
- ENV(itre): ENV(itre): ilurc
- EOD: Three Hundred Stars
- Erinome: The Seven Story Mountain
- Esem: Yourturn
- Ex Confusion: Untitled
- Eyesix: Idaho Transfer
- Frafle: All Slept Up (Noir's Song)
- Fieldtriqp, Sweguno: Fieldtriqp: Ss Ss Ss Ss (Reinterpreted by Swegüno)
- Fil OK: Bird
- Floating Spirits: Reach for Hope
- Forlon: One Parallel
- Frank Murder: The First Day of Snow
- Freeform: Shimmer
- Frog Pocket: Siorrach Àir
- Funckarma: Emplixian Ambient
- Future Image: Shower Acid
- Arche: G-Man: Scratch 1 (ClemensNeufeldRemix)
- Gang Violins: Ghosts of Aleppo
- George Sarah: Apparition Chamber
- Ghostwerk, Ilkae: Ghostwerk Feat. Ilkae: Hotpot
- Greetings From Tuskan: To Forget
- Gwerkova: Safari
- HECQ: Formless
- Higher Intelligence Agency: Genius Island
- Hint: Dead Bamboo
- Humanoid: Posthuman
- I Am Dive: Farewell
- Ian Hawgood: A Sketch for Empty Hearts
- IJO: Water Stars
- Ilkae: 12.12.12
- Imploded View: A New Hue
- Intricate: Cycle
- Jesper Sorensen: Transcension
- Jodey Kendrick: Capecitabine
- JTPE: Scharnier
- Julien Mier: Underwater Echoes
- Kate Dilemma: Rebirth (ynys enlli)
- Kingbastard: My Robot Child Suffers from Night Terrors (So I Wrote Him A Lullaby)
- KNTK, Shane Anthony: KNTK+ShaneAnthony: Physical Education
- La Synthesis: Zyllyakrvm
- Lackluster: Calming Presence
- Life In A Box: The Arpeggiator
- Little Eris: The Portal
- Irma, illl: illl & irma: Walk Softly Stranger
- Logreybeam: The Village Green
- Loopz: Punky
- Lorenzo Montanà: Tek Kyah
- Loscil: Phantasmata
- Luke Slater: Luke Slater's 7th Plain: Route 9
- Luke Vibert: 2x Jack
- M-Band, RetRoBot: M-Band: LoveHappiness (feat. RetRoBot)
- Machine Drum: Itsgod
- Min-Y-Llan, Maps & Diagrams: Min-Y-Llan: Beforelondon (Maps Remix)
- Maps & Diagrams: Days Like This
- Mark Broom, Heuristic Audio: Package 75 (Heuristic Audio Remix)
- Mark Gage, Jan Cemark: Mark Gage & Jan Cemark: Cool Grey Stone
- Marsen Jules: Marsen Jules Trio: Les Gitanes - Les Gitanes
- Marumari: Cranberry2
- Matthew Collings: Agora
- Michael Dykehouse: Garden Maintenance
- Mick Chillage: April
- Midimode: Music that Brings Good News
- Miles Tilmann: Go Home
- Milieu: Sofaphonk
- Mint: The Cyberknife
- Mira Calix, Ulrich Schnauss: Ponchik
- Missingsense: Goodnight Reroute
- Mokhov: Dream Aroma
- Mr. C: The Future
- Mr. Projectile: I Know (Featuring Mimi Page)
- Mr. 76ix: Twak My Vangintism Osit
- Murya: Forest-1
- Mushroom Season: An Ocean between Us (Song for Coral)
- Najem Sworb: Exo Amb
- Neotropic: Tohan Tales Volume 1
- Nathan Fake: Xupiter
- Nervous_testpilot: Wishbone (Touched Mix)
- Nimon: A Way to Escape
- Nisho: Over De Trees
- Nonima: Recursor Function
- Nootropix: Skunk Soup
- Normal: Hangar
- Noumen: Brace of Real
- Oberman Knocks: Modrine
- Obfusc: Language of Memory
- Ochre: Rowing to the Riverhead
- Ocoeur: IM2a
- Offthesky: Tepid Sill
- Olan Mill: Cultivator (Live)
- pOerator: Mauser Feel
- Orbital: Never (Live)
- Our Loving Sun: Face Toward the Sun
- Oxynucid: Temp Cadet
- Paranerd: Blue and Yellow Egg
- Paul Blackford: The Third Element
- Paul Mac: The Block
- Pentatonik, R. Simeon Bowring: A Ray of Light
- Petrichoir: Grow Bigger Than Your Woolie
- Phinx, Secede: Phinx: All That Matters (Secede Retelling)
- Pinar Akbay: Primal Feelings
- Plaid, Alt/land: Itsu (alt/land Remix)
- Plazmatron: The Screaming Abyss
- Pleq, Lauki, Segue: Pleq + Lauki: III (Segue Remix)
- Plus One, Acell: Plus One (Acell) Produced by Plaid: Bik
- Porn Sword Tobacco: Pst-Ego Drop 1
- Port-Royal: Sovereign Raiders
- Posthuman: Vela Remnant
- Production Unit: I'm So Blessed To Have You With Me
- Quiet Noise: You Make Being Me Less Scary
- Pentatonik, R. Simeon Bowring: Silvercaine
- Radioactive Sandwich: Radioactive Man: Peter And Mary
- Red Eyes: Deconstruction
- Ralf Hildenbeutel: Old Friends
- Re-Arbeiten: A.C.Clarke O'Clock Claster
- Red Snapper: Anta
- Renegade Android: Mona Lisa Cruise Control
- Rich Thair: Yes It Is
- Richard Devine: Retrometabolism
- Richard H Kirk: Network 1
- Robert Babicz: Mango Smoked On Lsd
- Robert Leiner: Day's Like Others
- Room Of Wires: Walkem
- Rootsix: Deepfroid Bough
- Russ Gabriel: Out On A Date
- Ruxpin: Avant De Nous
- Sapphirine Phlant: Reanemal
- Scott Robinson: Field Of Strings
- Sense: What's It Going To Take? (Hope for Gaza)
- Shammen Delly: Sumer Is Icumen In
- Shintaro Aoki: Anatano Kokorono Irowo (Water Mix)
- Si Begg: I Love My Drum Machine
- SinQ: Oscilator
- Sir Catipuss: Smithereen
- Skp: Gyo
- Solipsism: Toking Elders In Avalanche
- Somatic Responses: Life Cycle
- Soutien Gorge: Delutaniad
- Static: Devilfish
- Steve Stoll: Steve Stoll Presents The Blunted Boy Wonder: The Shift
- Subside: Scarlett's Theme
- Sugardaddy: LoveHoney
- Sun Electric: Mikado
- Sun Glitters: Not Everyday, Sometimes
- Sun Glitters: Touched Two Theme
- Surface 10: VOC Transit
- Team Doyobi, Cem: Vortcycle {Cem Remold}
- Tenmoer: Astronaut
- The Dandelion Council: A Helper Fit For Him
- The FLK: Stick Stock Keys
- Future Sound of London: Outer Heaven (Touched Mix)
- The Gasman: Gfx1
- The Inventors of Aircraft: Mind Palace
- The Sly and Unseen: Flitting Between Woodland and Gardens
- The Kosmik Kommando: NEUROSEMANTIC
- The Stratos Ensemble: My Broken Key (Part 2)
- Tim Jackiw: Transparence
- Tim Koch: Fragmemory
- TM404: 202/303/303/606/SY1/TG303 (Touched Version)
- Tom Roberts: Zonnestraal
- Tomonari Nozaki: Paradissimo
- Tourmaline Hum: Trade Winds
- Troubleshooter: Moog Modular Acid P2
- Twisted Perspective: It Was November (Original Mix)
- Ulrich Schnauss: Martin's Waiting
- Varia: Killer
- Verbose: Tethered
- Veronica Green: From Darkness to Light
- Victoria Lukas: Zelenogorsk
- Warm Aquarelle: Sluncho
- Weldroid: Weldroid: Hidden Treasure
- Western Eye CollectiV: Ash To Ash
- White Mask: The Centrepoint
- Wil Bolton: Balustrade
- Wisp: Ephemeris
- Wolf Asylum: Wolf Asylum: Anteq
- X&trick: I Want You
- Y Pencadlys: Poeni Am Billy
- Yonni: Untouched
- Z-Arc: Gathering Energy
- Zan Lyons: Making Angels In The Snow
- µ-Ziq: Melto
All proceeds donated to Macmillan Cancer Support -
Some of the planet's greatest Electronic, Ambient & Modern Classical musicians come together for this amazing cause.
You can pay an amount of your choice here (£12 or over), and we will donate (and claim gift aid) on your behalf, or, you can go to and donate directly (and leave a message if you wish).
The artists have contributed their music for free.
Thanks for the support!
released 28 November 2014
Massive Thanks To All The Artists Who Have Donated Music To This Project.
A Massive thanks to all the people that help make this happen by asking artists for me and doing loads of other amazing things, you know who you are. (to many to name)
Thanks To Loz Grover
Thanks To El La & Candice Han @ Pitchblend
Artwork By Victor Ferreira (Aka Sun Glitters)
Thanks to my Rachael for being so understand as I've spend most of the year with my headphones on..
tags: electronic idm soundtrack music acustic ambient electronica idm experimental down-tempo idm. experemental indie United Kingdom