Music for Elevators Vol.5 (Part 3)

- Denitsa Mineva: Nachalo
- Viktar Siamashka: Katalikos
- Amotken: Triangulos
- Teeth of Divine: A drift in the waves
- Deffektegg: Blood in the milk
- Esa Ruoho: Horkkamaa
- Abu Ama: Sufi bug (version)
- Strepivsitvs: Elevanti
- Boban Ristevski: Transcend Into Light
- Jimmy Watt: Scanningshadows
- Mas, Delayer: Mas and the shadow
- Kevin Bryce: Photon Bath (Remix)
- 4T Thieves: Cascade
- Peter Davidson: Helium 2016
- Sai: The years behind us belong to heaven
- TFSL: Easter (Elevator Mix)
- Sevensy: Cradlesun
- VPD, Sai: My Sympathies
- слонът на принцесата: Electric Fog II
Fifteen years after the landmark Mahorka compilation Music For Elevators Vol.1 and six years after the latest volume 4, in the beginning of the summer of 2017, for the Netlabel Day occassion, we released "Music For Elevators vol.5 (Part 1)". As the title suggested, we definitely were to have more than one album for the fifth volume. To blame are that number of years between the previous installment and the moment a new volume felt ripe and right to start materialising and also the number of great Mahorka and related artists from throughout the "genres" and approaches spectrum that we have been collaborating with through the years. In August 2017 Part 2 came out, continuing what is our biggest compilation project to date.
Finally, at the end of 2017, we complete (and quite epically that is) what just might be the last volume of Music For Elevators, with the release of Part 3, again, taking you on board for a pushing all kinds of boundaries trip through what ambient music can be and what can be ambient music.
released December 23, 2017
Mastering: Zach Bridier
Cover artwork: Angel Draganov
Executive producer: Ivo Petrov