V/A: Stalker - Music inspired by Andrej Tarkowskij's movie
"Stalker" is Eighth Tower's tribute to the cinematic masterpiece "Stalker" (1979) by Russian director Andrej Tarkowskij. Tarkowskij 's second science fiction film after Solaris, "Stalker" is based on a novel by the Strugackij brothers, Arkadij and Boris, renowned authors of Soviet science fiction. The novel, titled "Roadside Picnic," was released in 1971. Tarkovskij adapted the basic literary work, written in the form of dispatches and intelligence reports, inspired by the Tunguska event of 1908—a probable impact in a remote Siberian area of a meteorite or possibly a comet. This collision, still the subject of studies and controversies today, in the 1970s generated a series of pseudoscientific hypotheses akin to a pre-Roswell event, based on the suggestion that the mysterious crashed object was an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
The Zone is primarily the interior of a rural territory that has been disrupted by an unspecified event, perhaps the fall of a meteorite or the passage of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Within it, strange and mysterious events occur, and many people have disappeared. Above all, there is a rumor that a "Room" capable of fulfilling any desire is located within the Zone. After attempting to study the Zone, the military evacuated the population and restricted access... more
released May 2, 2024
Avant Music News
This Is Darkness
I’m a big fan of the novel, Roadside Picnic, on which the movie Stalker was based, so I was thrilled when I discovered that the wonderful Eighth Tower Records label was releasing an album of music inspired by the movie. With music from 14 talented musicians – including Mombi Yuleman, phoanøgramma, and Kelados, to name just a few – this is another impressive collection of tracks from this label. With music that features elements of dark ambient, drone, electronic, and industrial, there is something for everyone here, and fans of dark, atmospheric music will not be disappointed. Wonderful!
Mark Hjorthoy
Eighth Tower Records is responsible for turning me on to movies I had never heard of before. How many music labels can boast that? Their latest delves into a movie called ‘Stalker‘ by Andrej Tarkowskij – a 1979 Russian sci-fi thriller, that has a huge cult following. The tracks included on this release bring the chills and fear associated with the plot brilliantly, and leave you feeling like you’ve just lived through a harrowing experience. Post-apocalyptic brilliance shines hard on this album. A perfect representation of a long-loved creative masterpiece. This is a huge winner from a great label. I’m going in for another listen.
Luminous Dash
Ver Sacrum
Music by: Cult Of Light, Rapoon, Mombi Yuleman, Tsath, phoanøgramma, Mario Lino Stancati, Esa Ruoho, Kelados, Morgen Wurde, vÄäristymä, Zabbaleen, Yousef Kawar, Glacial Anatomy.
Artwork by John D. Chadwick
Layout by Matteo Mariano
Curated and mastered by Raffaele Pezzella (a.k.a. Sonologyst)
Published by Eighth Tower Records
Cat. Num. ETR049
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