Cold Trail EP

- Lackluster: 100102
- Lackluster: Hundredbars
- Lackluster: Casiopiukkajatko
- Lackluster: 021201
- Lackluster: Defocus
- Lackluster: 230304
The 1st release on Acroplane by Lackluster. 'One of a kind' is the expression which best describes the Finnish electronic music auteur Esa Ruoho, regardless whether we are talking about the organic quality of his music under the artist name Lackluster or just the artist himself in his private life.
He has been composing since the mid-1990s and is no stranger to the electronic music idiom. Since 2000, Ruoho has played numerous musical performances in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, England, Austria, Poland, Russia, Latvia and Estonia. He has done remixes for various artists including Machinedrum, Hecq, Proem, and Kilowatts.
Labels he has previously released on include Merck, deFocus, U-Cover, Monotonik and SLSK.
The Cold Trail EP is Esa at his melodic best.