[WaW005] Fuzzy: A Collection of Reflection

- Dino Felipe: Death For 5 Computers
- Toxonic: Aurum
- \7oi: Impress Numerically
- Bazaar: Appetite For Love
- Vhom: SKVPH VX2
- Håkan Lidbo: Mental Hardcore
- Carsten Rausch: Tooltime
- Caspa Houser: Condensed V2
- Samuel Strehle: Holodeck Hyperraum Simulator
- Sinus Force: Erlösung
- Yoursck: OHT040507
- Flextronic: Cybernetic Riot
- Dan Tapper, Plastic Raptor: Dan Tapper/Plastic Raptor: Harry Meets The Skinny Ghosts
- Massju: Laitfille
- Wolfseule: Bell Rock
- Mithra: L'Enfant Lumiere
- Org: Blackbox
- Xyno: A Poetic Downfall
- Black Ninfea: Synth-C
- Lackluster: Notesarentenough
ublic warning! „Fuzzy“ –A Collection Of Reflection is on it’s way to blow up
some synapses. Carefully selected masters of evil and not-so-evil sounds
gather in a place provided by WeirdAndWired and invite you to participate
in shredding the universe of data-music to pieces.
We are extremely grateful to anyone, who was willing to give a slice of their
genius to us, to put it in this context and to send it out to the world.
Check out the artists and support them!
Vhom is Brian Grainger, who also records music under his own name as well
as the aliases Milieu and Coppice Halifax. Brian has been making records
since 1997 and currently helps run the Second Sun Recordings label with David Tagg.
Find more Information here: Vhom's myspace, second-sun
Dan Tapper is not fussy at all, about what we write about him. There’s no
long story to tell, since he’s just 16. He started making and recording music
when he was 13 and is currently working on his first Album
„Vampire love songs Pt 1“. So, no worries! The (musical) future is safe!
Go to his myspace - page!
Håkan Lidbo
The release-list of this man is longer than the way from here to Stockholm.
We bent our knees in gratitude and adoration.
Links: container, shitkatapult
This great guy from Canada breaks the beats and breaks our hearts.
He’s a member of the WeirdAndWired-family and you can download his album
„Nightmare’s death“ right now, right here. Enjoy!
Enjoy more of Mithra here: myspace
His story started with the calculator, which gave him his name. But fortunately, none
of his four released albums sounds calculated. And psst.....he’s from Iceland.
Check his Homepage here or go to his space!
Sophisticated and really stunning to listen to. A boring description for great music
of a much-occupied man from France, who is also known as Ascalaphe.
There's more Bazaar-music coming on WaW soon!
Look at this: fdbf, myspace.com/bazaaarmusic
Dino Felipe
Exciting, exhausting head-music, which hits your stomach with the same stroke.
A full-body artists, who composes with his brain and paints with his feet.
Check dinofelipe.com and get some of his records, it's worth it!
Black Ninfea
A violine, a laptop and a great voice would be already enough to create
impressive music. But Black Ninfea has even more to offer.
She’s enganged in several projects, such as Klangtreppe and part of a musical
cosmos on it’s own. Just dive in.
blackninfea home, myspace.com/blackninfea
Samuel Strehle is a student who happened to come across a
music-producing-programme, where he could finally produce music,
which is as minimalistic as he wants it to be.
Listen to his productions here.
Musical storytelling from Finland. Landscapes, soundscapes...
who cares about the difference? Lackluster made the borders blurry
since 1999 with more releases, than can be named here.
Visit his shop and support this great artist!
A boy, a gameboy, lot’s of enthusiasm ..this creates something
somewhat relaxed. Take off your shoes and wave your hands.
More information here! myspace.com/xynomusic
Flextronic is a full-blood musician and DJ. He's an all-genre man and a
living Drumcomputer. This time he strikes with a faaat dubstep Track.
BooooomTschakk! Be sure to check his myspace!
Toxonic is our friend! We love this technically skilled weirdo and
his fantastic compositions. If you think your music is good, listen
to this and you might change your mind :) Thanks, Mr. Tox.
Listen to more music here!
Carsten Rausch makes beats like a baker bakes biscuits. Hmm
delicious.... Oh and if you get the chance to see him as a DJ -
be sure to take it, this guy rocks!
Check his space and dance!
Sinus Force boosts the Rhythm-Industry and delivers precious
beats for free. His drums are like rocks joining forces to build
electronic avalanches. So be prepared!
Check his works here.
Org is a musical activist with attitude! He says what he thinks
and acts conscientiously. In a world full of lies and greed of gain,
we need more people like him who know what responsibility
is all about! Check his netlabel Taktalsmittel or his virb and say hello!
Beat-addict Caspa Houser eats loops for breakfast and flavours
them with tasty percussions and milky pads. He sets the focus on
the main ingredients and feeds you ear with fancy foods, yummy!
Take a look here.
Yoursck is already part of our growing WaW-family and one of our
Samplefreunde. Check his release here - and even better, check
more of his releases here and here.